In August, The Nifty Thrifty opened its doors at its new and improved location at 112 Wellborn Street, just across from The Humane Society Thrift Store. As part of their mission, The Nifty Thrifty wasted no time in helping others within the community by sponsoring Healing Hands Community Clinic for the month.
Healing Hands was founded in 2007 to supply basic healthcare services to the uninsured of the mountain area (we do not have restrictions as to county or state of residence) as well as to provide an uplifting spiritual message of hope, and exemplify Christ’s love to the sick and infirmed. Healing Hands is a nonprofit non-denominational, faith based ministry staffed by volunteers and funded solely by donations made by individuals, businesses, churches/church organizations and civic organizations; the generosity of the community.
Healing Hands provides free basic healthcare needs such as those you might see in a non-urgent care facility. The Clinic is able to see those patients with sub-acute health problems such as:
• Sore throat/Strep
• Influenza
• Gastric Flu
• Urinary tract infection
• Sinus infection
• Ear infection
• Simple skin lesions/rash
Healing Hands is able to assist the patient in the managing of specific uncomplicated chronic conditions such as:
• COPD/Asthma
• Hypertension
• Diabetes Mellitus
• Hyper/Hypothyroidism
• High Cholesterol/Triglycerides
The Clinic offers affordable lab monitoring (maintaining a budgeted allotment, when funds are available, to assist those patients who are unable to cover the cost), EKG’s and other diagnostic testing which can be performed in-house. Healing Hands will outsource imaging services to regional centers who accept patients on a self-pay or indigent basis and will also assist clinic patients with limited emergency dental care when funds are available.
Healing Hands is UNABLE to provide:
• Urgent/Emergent care services
• HIV/AIDS management
• Chronic pain management (requiring the use of controlled substances)
• Mental health services
• Women’s health services, including pregnancy
• Care normally provided by specialists
Pharmaceutical assistance will be offered through use of generic, low cost medications or through Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (PAP) sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies.
To learn more about Healing Hands Community Clinic, visit their website. To help with this and other charities within the community, take your donations to The Nifty Thrifty 24/7 or shop there to find your new favorite thing!