I never thought of myself as a writer, but when the writer’s club started meeting at my smoothie shop, I did not hesitate to join in. I discovered instead that I was passionate about sharing ideas and most importantly sharing God’s love. If you read something I have written, I want to thank you for sharing your time with me and I pray I write something that will be meaningful to you.
It is the existential question that has plagued mankind for generations. “Is there a God?” Perhaps the reason we struggle with such the question is that we ask this of people as if an all powerful, all knowing being could be summed up in any amount of words. Alas, even the Bible cannot contain God in all of His infinity. It’s chapters and verses has an end, but God does not. Of course, it is a great book for believers…
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I am one of the few (or perhaps simply one of the few that will admit to such) that have the ability to exist simultaneously in two worlds. The world that most call reality is but their reality saw through their individual experiences, biases, and beliefs. The second world is one in which only I can see, but of course, I am not alone in this world. In fact, I have more companionship in the second than in the first,…
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Many say that the first kiss is the most important kiss in any relationship. To me, that is a tremendous amount of pressure on both parties and would only imply that continued practice, in this case, could not yield improvement. Therefore, the relationship should end immediately. Of course, that would be complete and utter nonsense in light of the fact that practice, followed by correction, and more practice are known to improve any skill. Furthermore, as I read recently, it…
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Having felt exhausted, I went to bed early. It was only moments before I was on a train to dreamland, living a life of unimaginable adventure when I was snatched back to reality by a series of loud crashes, groans, and cussing. Only to then be jabbed by my companions elbow, while he attempted to take over possession of three-quarters of the mattress reality instead of the one-half his deed allotted him. From that moment on, my eyes were wide…
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Your needs are your wants or so convinces us the advertisements that continuously bombards us daily. Whether it is trunk that can shut itself or hair every unnatural color imaginable, we believe the product will, in fact, make our lives easier, more complete, or make us more attractive. However, the truth is, very few of these products will fill the void inside nor can it change how others truly perceive us. No, actual change takes more than a single purchase.…
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Authors are never really alone for they have hundreds if not thousands of characters with them all of the time. Of course, authors can get lonely, especially when the characters refuse to speak or tell them where the story is going. Then, the author is even more depressed for all of his companions seemed to have turned their back on him at least for the moment.
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His hyena-like laugh not only sets him apart but also made his laughter contagious. For it was just as easy to laugh at his laugh as it was to laugh at what he was laughing at.
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We can climb the tallest mountains Send spacecraft to explore galaxies We can probe the depths of the oceans But we cannot understand the heart For its wishes and desires motivate us Yet they can lead us down slippery slopes Across great chasms and into great peril And the heart that confounds us the most is our own
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The red tin roof reflected the noonday sun. The house sat about halfway up the gentle rolling hill. The quarter horse inched it’s way toward the fence with its head down. The cowboy on its back hadn’t faired much better from the looks of his torn shirt and muddy boots. When the duo finally reached their destination, the cowboy free dedicated his loyal friend and ambled toward his cabin, his refuge. He opened the door, and the smell of fresh…
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Roger pulled up to the mail receptacle and fumbled around looking for the bill that was to be sent on its way. As he turned to Marie, he gave her a half smile and said, “Let’s get married.” As casually as you would say the sky is blue. Marie had a puzzled expression on her face, but said, “Sure. Let’s.” With a laugh about to erupt, she notice him pull out a ring box and half throw it at her.…
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